BenefitsApp AskNancy for Web

Add AskNancy to your website.

Power up your employee portal with AskNancy. The same user-friendly AI-powered chat bot that answers all of your benefits questions is available to licnese on your website.

BenefitsApp’s ChatGPT-AI powered Virtual HR Team Member answers questions from relevant documents like the Benefits Guide, Summary of Benefits, and other information provided by Carriers. 

Go ahead and AskNancy, she’ll answer 24 hours/day, 7 days a week, she should have popped up on this page, or she’s waiting for you in the bottom right corner of the page.  

  • What is my dental benefit?
  • Give me a health tip? 
  • Who do I call for medical questions?
  • How do I let the company know I have flu symptoms?

AskNancy may also be trained to answer common questions for your organization. Supply a list of questions and answers, and she’ll learn very quickly. 

Default answers can direct users to an HR Contact for more information. 

AskNancy may be added to any website for a monthly license fee. 

Interested in AskNancy for your Website?
Request a consultation with a member of our team!

Watch a video, or AskNancy live in the chat pop-up.