Messaging with BenefitsApp

Push and In-App Messages can help Human Resources Communicate with Employees

By BenefitsApp

Do you have important information to communicate to employees, but the messages are getting lost in too many emails or your employees don’t have company email addresses. BenefitsApp can help.

There are many different ways a company can communicate with their employees. While email, paper, and verbal communication have their place at a company, using BenefitsApp with Push Notifications is one of the best methods of communicating with employees.

Push notifications make the immediate reception of important information possible anytime and anywhere

Similar to text messages, push notifications are mostly read within the first three minutes after being sent, as opposed to only 22% of emails.

Push Notifications

Push notifications are already a central part of your employees’ lives. They’re quick, easy to manage, and utilize the device with the highest response rate: the smartphone.

In addition to broadcasting important information, push notifications can help with HR processes such as onboarding, as well as with training initiatives and benefit programs. Automating these processes is a big step in insuring an overall positive employee benefits experience.

See below for some examples of how BenefitsApp clients are using messaging to reach their employees.

& In-App Messages

BenefitsApp offers push, text and in app messaging. Push and text messages get the message out quickly and then link to the in-app message to deliver deeper actionable content.