Launch BenefitsApp today to make Open Enrollment easier tomorrow.

Get ahead of open enrollment & go mobile.

By BenefitsApp

Do your employees feel intimidated, stressed, or confused about open enrollment each year?

Open enrollment may still be months away, but implementing BenefitsApp now can be a key factor in making it smoother than ever. 

There are certain challenges that come with the territory of employees choosing their benefits. BenefitsApp can mitigate employee stress and confusion.

Introduce BenefitsApp Before Open Enrollment.

Building your app before open enrollment gives your employees time to understand their benefits and how to use the app now before it’s time to make their new elections. Employees can take their time and feel confident in navigating the app and having access to everything they need in one place.

Use Mobile for Simple Navigation.

BenefitsApp brings benefits to a place where everyone is comfortable receiving information, their phone. With quick and easy access, employees won’t be confused trying to search their inbox or find a handout. Introduce BenefitsApp now and empower employees to self serve instead of going to HR when they have questions.

Easy Reminders & Quick Messages.

Getting employees to read a lengthy email about open enrollment can be difficult. Insurance jargon, high costs, and confusing products make employees reluctant to engage. BenefitsApp offers push, in-app, and SMS messaging. Sending reminders and information to employees phones can keep open enrollment top of mind and easy to access via short yet meaningful content!